Psychresources was created for the purpose of promoting mental health education

With the increase of mental health difficulties rising amongst children, we felt that it was important to focus on early intervention through the use of educational activity books to help manage anxiety, enhance self esteem, foster social skills and empathy and
teach the skill of mindfulness.

These activity books can be used as tools for parents, psychologists and educators and include content and activities recommended by teachers.

  • "As a teacher I believe that mental health and well-being plays a significant role for children and their ability to learn. At the moment there are limited resources in schools to help with mindfulness in children and I believe that these books will be extremely useful and children will enjoy reading and completing the activities within them."

    Miss Khan, Primary School Teacher

  • "Our eldest has really enjoyed working her way through this series of books. She’s got a lot from them and has referenced them when we’ve been talking about her 'successful futures' classes in school."

    Chris, Parent

  • "I really like how each book is different. So if you’ve got a problem, you just go to that book and it tells you how to make it better. If my friend is sad for example, I can do the friendship book, and then I know, maybe I shouldn’t say that, I should say this instead."

    Ellie, Aged 7